Thursday 14 July 2011

Why I fully support Nick Griffin MEP

Simon 'Eyebrows' Darby has publicly got involved with the leadership election, making a strange statement on his blog. However, he makes an interesting point in saying "the pressure of the job would probably finish him [Brons] off" - which got me thinking... Now I don't expect Brons to win, even if 90% voted for Brons, the Griffin would find a way round it, however, I have been worrying that should Bronsw in and turn the BNP around, he might actually make them something more akin to a functioning and performing political party.

I don't want this, as far as I'm concerned the BNP is doing just fine destroying itself from within. Furthermore, an effective BNP would make extra work for me, which I don't want. Nobody likes extra work.

The BNP with Griffin at the helm is doing all the work for us, Butler has listed a load of Griffin gaffes just this very morning, and the fact is, you can't get this kind of stupidity anywhere else. Griffin is so out of touch with reality and with the 'cause' that he is just crashing through things surrounded by a bunch of neandathals telling him he is doing fine. Who in their right mind would allow a Granny Porn Star to organise a family event?

The fact is: if Brons were to lead the BNP, our lives might just become more difficult. His election video was much more professional and tackled the key points of turning the BNP around, where as Griffin's involved him throwing a book around.

I am confident Griffin will win, he has a small (but vocal) core of crackpot supporters and a dim but determined team working hard to ensure that the election goes in his favour.

This is why I fully support Nick Griffin MEP in the BNP Leadership Election!

One other thought, this is a win-win situation. If Griffin remains chairman then the BNP are doomed, and if Brons becomes chairman, he'll probably die from the pressure. Pressure of what I'm not so sure, what pressure Simon? The pressure of squireling money away?

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